'You can stay where you are - you can!
But, you can't stay where you are and try to where you're going!'

New York City

Population 8.337 Million

         "The Big Apple"


Population 604,380



Population 572,612

            "Blea Cliath"


Population 13.23 Million




'Sleeping is for Weak People - Be Strong!'

Based on the average 8 hours of sleep per night stretched over the course of a lifetime, you spend 1/3 of your life sleeping! So if you live to be 100 years old, that means you will have spent 33.3 years of your life sleeping!

Cut Just 1 Hour From Your Sleep Every Night & You Will Be Awake 4+ More Years!

'Your dreams need to be so real that when you wake up in the morning
all you have to do is get out of bed and step into your dream!'

Several Highly Successful People Who Sleep Only 4 to 6 Hours A Night


'Half the time men think they are talking business,
they are wasting time.'

E. W. Howe

"You have to believe you can do something that nobody has done
and somehow that concept has to become a reality!"


'I'll Sleep When I'm Dead.'

Warren Zevon

Living Longer

Sleep Less & Live Longer!
Although it’s a common belief that 8 hours of sleep is required for optimal health, a six-year study of more than one million adults ages 30 to 102 has shown that people who get only 6 to 7 hours a night have a lower death rate. Individuals who sleep 8 hours or more, or less than 4 hours a night, were shown to have a significantly increased death rate compared to those who averaged 6 to 7 hours.

Just the Facts

Famous people who slept less.

Leonardo da Vinci
Created the Mona Lisa on two hours of sleep a day, broken up into 15 minute naps every four hours.

Thomas Edison
Slept only 4-5 h a night, called sleep a waste of time, and his light bulb has been helping students and workers
burn the midnight oil ever since.
Winston Churchill
Averaged 5 hours of sleep per day.

“I want to shout with joy. My heart is full of gratitude.
You all must realize that history is now in the making.
Crippled man has taken his place
on the world’s literary stage.”

Christopher Nolan

'This site is dedicated to Christopher Nolan, the Irish Author,
for giving us ' Under the Eye of the Clock', his prestigious
Whitbread Award Winning Book!'

Bono of the Irish rock group U2, went to school with Nolan, and he
wrote the song “Miracle Drug” about Christopher Nolan's success.

U2 - Miracle Drug (Live)

On His Passing

 by Bill Moyers
Bill Moyers JCut-cut
                   (Click Image to Play)

Christopher Nolan

If He Can Do This You Should
Be Able To Do Anything!

The Benefits of early Risers. Several studies have
correlated waking up early with success

Better Grades

Sleep Less Get Better Grades!
In a 2008 Texas University study, college students who identified themselves as "morning people" earned a full point higher on their GPA's than those who were "night
owls" (3.5 vs. 2.5). Good grades
help students secure better
career opportunities.

More Optimistic

Be More Optimistic!

Various studies have shown that morning people exhibit character traits like optimism, being agreeable, satisfaction and conscientiousness. Night owls, while linked with creativity and intelligence, are more likely to exhibit traits like depression, pessimism and neurotic behavior.

        What are you Thinking .  .  .
“Watch your Thoughts, for they become Words.
Watch your Words, for they become Actions.
Watch your Actions, for they become Habits.
Watch your Habits, for they become your Character.
And Watch your Character, for it becomes your Destiny.”
.  .  .  What we think we become!

- Frank Outlaw -

It is not enough to be 'talented''. You have to have 'character' too!

because if you are not careful, Your talent will take you places

that your character can't keep you !
According to Aristotle - "The best tragedies are conflicts
between a hero and his destiny. They contain moments of recognition,
catharsis and ultimately - a reversal of fortune."

You can reverse you fortunes too. All you need to do is to believe it!